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The Comic
Welcome to IC's world. Follow IC and his friends. Laugh, scratch your head and sometimes be challenged. Have fun. Don't take them too seriously, because they don't.

In case you haven't already guessed IC and his friends are animals with shrinking populations. Why? We aren't 100% sure, but most feel climate changes are either the cause or an influence.

No one wants to see these animals go away. So please follow IC and pass this on to your friends. Laughter can be a great way to start a conversation.

The Author
Ted Howell, Humorist with a view.
Some details:
I’ve worked in the energy conservation field for much of my working career. See "Big Boy Pants" for more details. I have an amazing wife, 3 great kids and a son-in-law that is truly part of the family. The funniest part of my day is playing with Oliver, our huge Great Pyrenees that looks a little like IC.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predicted that rising temperatures could wipe out one in three of the world's species of animals.